PLS 3M RFID How to Install Alerts Notification Software
The 3M Item Alerts Application lists the Title and other Information of the item that triggered the gate so staff will know which particular Iitem has that set off the alarm. The Application is a program that has been set to starts up automatically when the PC is turned on.
*Works on Internet Explorer ONLY
*Be on the Staff LAN NEED Silverlight_x64.exe
Files Needed:
- OPEN EDGE in IE Mode and
GO to http://plsrfid2k8/CIMSWeb/Security/Login.aspx
*If the above url doesn’t work try BPL ONLY
- Log in with the Staff Account provided to you when Item Alerts were initially installed.
The Username should be branch_name_staff.
On the Command Center homepage in the lower right-hand corner you will see a link for 3M Detection System 9100 Configuration. Click on this link and you will be brought to the 3M Detection System Manager page. You may be asked to log in again. Use the same credentials as before.
On the 3M Detection System Manager Page select Subscription from the Drop Down menu under Notification.
You will be brought to the Detection System Subscription page. A large list of check boxes and serial numbers will be displayed. Your generic staff account should have the box(es) checked for the gate(s) with that/those serial(s) at that branch. Make sure only the boxes for the gates for that location are checked.
If everything is correct, click on the Download Desktop Alert Application link. You will be asked to install the application and may be prompted to Install Microsoft Silverlight. Click OK for all the boxes. The application should download and install within a few moments.
The application should start up automatically after a correct install.
Using Item Alerts
This is the main screen of the Item Alerts Application. It is a regular window that can be minimized and closed like other programs.
When an alarm is generated an alert will appear within a few seconds. The alert will appear as a red and white box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. The alerts will still occur if the window is minimized so it is not important to have the window up at all times.
If the application is closed out it can be reopened by double clicking the 3M Alerts Icon
In the Alerts Application there is only one functional button for Settings.
If the Settings button is clicked, a menu will open up giving the user the options of having the application: Start Automatically, Minimize on Startup, Enable Notification popups and Enable Notification Sound. All of these features can be enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the description.
The User ID should be listed as (your_branch_name_staff). This is important because this is what links the application to a particular set of gates. If this is incorrect or blank, either no notices or the wrong notices will be received.
Receive Alerts At Level can be used to filter down the alerts that appear but should be left at the default (Any).
After any changes are made it is important to click the save button for the changes to take effect.